Tag Archives: learn excel

Dear Analyst #30: How to learn Excel while staying at home during COVID-19

Now that you’re staying home and picking up new hobbies and taking classes online, here are a few tips on how to learn Excel and spreadsheets from an online class. I have seen viewership on my own Excel classes spike since COVID-19 hit which has led me to think about the best way to learn […]

Still Not Sure About Skillshare’s Intro To Excel Class? Read Reviews from Current Students!

***2018 UPDATE*** New class launched in 2018 called Beyond Excel 1: Productivity Tools for For Lean Startups, Entrepreneurs, and Freelancers.  I released online Excel class on Skillshare, and the feedback has been pretty positive from students taking the course. The common thread we see through all the comments and reviews is that the pace of the course […]

Learn Excel Online At Your Own Pace With Skillshare

Looking to learn Excel online? We recently partnered with Skillshare and created a 3-part series on the basics of Excel featuring Al, our founder. You have probably heard about all these online education platforms pop up like Udactiy, Coursera, EdX, etc. We believe that online training and development is the new way people young and old can learn new […]