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sumproduct formula

Splitting Costs With Friends Just Got Easier In A Spreadsheet [+Template]

How many times have you gone on a group trip with friends, and figure out the costs at the end of the trip? Maybe one person pays for the hotel, one person pays for the rental car, and someone else pays for the dinners. Or maybe one person pays for everything, making splitting costs much […]

Dear Analyst 130

Dear Analyst #130: What happens when we rely too much on Excel spreadsheets and shadow IT takes over?

This is a replay of an episode from the Make Sense podcast with Lindsay Tabas. In the 1990s, large enterprises typically bought software in a tops-down approach. IT teams would get get Oracle software or Microsoft Office and get their entire organization to use the software. Since these tools are the default IT “blessed” tools, people start […]

Dear Analyst 129

Dear Analyst #129: How to scale self-serve analytics tools to thousands of users at Datadog with Jean-Mathieu Saponaro

When you’re organization is small, a centralized data team can take care of all the internal data tooling, reporting, and requests for all departments. As the team grows from 100 to thousands of people, a centralized data team simply cannot handle the number of requests and doesn’t have the domain knowledge of all the departments. […]