Dear Analyst #86: One Important Excel Feature to Know to Do Your Best Data Analysis

Nothing like a click-baity headline to get your spreadsheet emotion all riled up amirite? Earlier in my data analysis career, I thought knowing advanced Excel formulas and writing macros made you a good analyst. If you’ve been following this podcast/newsletter, you’ve probably discovered that there is no one magic Excel feature that automatically makes you […]


Dear Analyst #85: Preksha Kaparwan talks about her journey as a chef To CMO of a data analytics company

You might think not having a data background means it’ll be tougher for you to get a career in data. For Preksha Kaparwan, co-founder and CMO at Alphaa AI, the journey into data was anything but traditional. In this episode, Preksha talks about starting her career in the hospitality industry, falling in love with data […]

Dear Analyst #83: Cleaning up and doing an exploratory data analysis of all Friends episodes raw data in Excel

I was playing around with a dataset on TikTok recently to show a PivotTable trick. The raw data is a list of all Friends episodes that have aired starting in 1994. I noticed that the raw data requires some cleanup so decided to take the dataset and to some cleaning operations and also try out […]

Dear Analyst #82: Translating the best lines from The Godfather with Google Translate in Sheets

I haven’t seen a good use case or template for the GOOGLETRANSLATE function in Google Sheets. I was inspired by Blake Burge’s Top 8 Google Sheets Tweet and thought a bit more about when you might use GOOGLETRANSLATE in Google Sheets. I suppose if you work as a translator or at the United Nations, you […]

Dear Analyst #81: How to hack award flights on Avianca Airlines with Google Sheets

I love a good deal, especially when it comes to getting a good flight. Ever since I got into churning a few years ago (signing up for credit cards to get rewards), I started booking flights primarily with reward points from these credit cards. I spend more time searching for flights with good point redemptions […]

Dear Analyst #80: Applying the rules of Squid Game to real-life games like negotiating a job offer

I finished watching Squid Game a few weeks ago and still have all these swirling thoughts about the series. Through a few basic survival games, the show brings to light wealth inequality, capitalism, and other aspects of the human condition. Trying to find the loose threads between the show’s deeper meaning and data literacy is […]

Dear Analyst #79: How to finally AutoFit column widths in Excel for the Mac (and PC)

When you’re creating some dashboard or report, one of the most common formatting operations you’ll find yourself doing is expanding the column width to fit the text or numbers in a cell. You might also be expanding the row height to fit the size of the text, but I think it’s less common than expanding […]

Dear Analyst #78: 3 mental models from the show Billions

Following up from episode #77 about mental models, I wanted to take things one step further and tie mental models to one of my favorite shows. If you came here hoping for the latest Excel trick or keyboard shortcut, apologies in advance. If there’s one theme you should take away from these posts, it’s being […]

Dear Analyst #77: The top 3 mental models I never think about and live by (I think)

The promise of mental models is that it helps you bridge the gap between what’s in your mind and what happens in real life. They are interesting thought exercises in how you think. But that’s where it ends for me. How often do you approach a big decision in life and decide to pull from […]