Tag Archives: a16z

Dear Analyst #38: Breaking down an Excel error that led to a $6.2B loss at JPMorgan Chase

You blink a few times at the screen and realize what you’re seeing is not a typo. $6.2B has left your bank due to some rogue trader making untimely bets on the market. That’s B as in billion. You call up the modeler who was supposed to make sure this never happens to your bank. […]

Dear Analyst #30: How to learn Excel while staying at home during COVID-19

Now that you’re staying home and picking up new hobbies and taking classes online, here are a few tips on how to learn Excel and spreadsheets from an online class. I have seen viewership on my own Excel classes spike since COVID-19 hit which has led me to think about the best way to learn […]

Dear Analyst Episode 16: The New York Times’ data bootcamp

A few months ago, The New York Times’ Digital Transition team headed by Lindsey Cook published a blog post about a data bootcamp they led for their reporters and editors. The New York Times frequently publishes amazing data visualizations, and it’s awesome to see this newsroom pushing their reporters into the world of “data journalism.” […]