Tag Archives: bill jelen


Dear Analyst #92: Generating insights from vehicle telemetry data and crafting a data strategy with Victor Rodrigues

Data can come from different places, and one area I don’t hear about too often is from vehicles. Victor Rodrigues is from Brazil and transitioned into a career in data six years ago. Before that, he was working in various IT including network and infrastructure administration. He eventually relocated to Dublin working as a cloud […]

Dear Analyst #66: How to update and add new data to a PivotTable with ramen ratings data

PivotTables have been on my mind lately (you’ll see why in a couple weeks). An issue you may face with PivotTables is how to change the source data for a PivotTable you’ve meticulously set up. You have some new data being added to your source data, and you have to change the PivotTable source data […]

Dear Analyst Episode 25: Structuring data challenge (denormalize data) with Get and Transform

This episode is based on a video and Tweet posted by Mr. Excel (Bill Jelen). Bill discusses an Excel challenge someone emailed him about regarding how to “transform” a badly structured table of data into a structure that makes it easy to do PivotTables and other downstream analysis. Interestingly, I received a ticket from a […]