Tag Archives: build vs buy

Dear Analyst 127

Dear Analyst #127: Spreadsheets vs. Jira: Which one is better for your team?

I wasn’t sure if this topic should be it’s own episode but it’s been on my mind ever since I came back from Atlassian Team ’24 (Atlassian’s annual conference). At the conference, I had the opportunity to meet with a few people who are just as interested in spreadsheets as I am. We talked specifically […]

dear analyst episode 120 zach wilner pear eyewear

Dear Analyst #120: Marketing attribution, sensitivity models, and building data infrastructure from the ground up with Zach Wilner

Data analytics and business analytics are still relatively new areas of study (in terms of academics). The subject borders business and computer science. When I went to school, the only data analytics classes available were special electives offered through our school’s continuing education department. In this episode, I spoke with Zach Wilner who currently leads […]