Tag Archives: COVID-19


Dear Analyst #109: Data strategy and optimizing the vaccine supply chain at Johnson & Johnson with Sarfraz Nawaz

Johnson & Johnson is one of the largest corporations in the world and they produce everything from medical devices to baby powder. They were also on the front lines of developing a vaccine during the pandemic. Internally, J&J is also at the forefront of digital transformation. Sarfraz Nawaz studied computer science and built data analytics […]

Dear Analyst #30: How to learn Excel while staying at home during COVID-19

Now that you’re staying home and picking up new hobbies and taking classes online, here are a few tips on how to learn Excel and spreadsheets from an online class. I have seen viewership on my own Excel classes spike since COVID-19 hit which has led me to think about the best way to learn […]

Dear Analyst #27: Splitting a cell diagonally to label y and x-axis and COVID-19 dashboard

This is an Excel trick that’s not super complicated but super useful for labelling a simple table in Excel. Let’s say you have one set of labels along the rows (e.g. “Region”) and then another set of labels along the columns (e.g. “Month”). Cell A1 is now empty because you don’t know which label to […]

Dear Analyst Episode 26: Data visualizations for infectious diseases/ideas during coronavirus (COVID-19)

Given the media attention placed on the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the media the last few weeks, I thought it was important to take a step back and look at the math behind infectious diseases and how diseases spread. I spend the entire episode taking a look at Going Critical, a blog post by Kevin Simler […]