Tag Archives: daphne martschenko


Dear Analyst #93: How to bring data literacy to schools and teaching Python with Sean Tibor and Kelly Schuster-Paredes

This episode is quite different from other episodes for a few reasons. One, it’s the first time I’ve had two guests on the show at the same time. Second, it’s the first time I’ve had educators on the show. Third, the guests have a podcast about Python so they taught me a thing or two […]

Dear Analyst Episode 22: Calculate win streaks for a pool of players in Google Sheets

If you are by your computer, you may want to open this Google Sheet to understand the example discussed in this episode. I walk through a rather long formula involving the FREQUENCY(), COLUMN(), MAX(), and the ARRAYFORMULA() functions in Google Sheets. Here’s the full formula below to calculate win streaks in the Google Sheet:=ARRAYFORMULA(MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(B2:P2=”W”,COLUMN(B2:P2)),IF(B2:P2=”L”,COLUMN(B2:P2)))))You can […]