Tag Archives: data analyst

Dear Analyst 131

Dear Analyst #131: Key insights and best practices from writing SQL for 15+ years with Ergest Xheblati

If you could only learn one programming language for the rest of your career, what would be it be? You could Google the most popular programming languages and just pick the one of the top 3 and off you go (FYI they are Python, C++, and C). Or, you could pick measly #10 and build […]

Screenshot at March 27th 2023 - 11.56.44 am

Dear Analyst Episode #116: Will Microsoft’s AI Copilot for Excel replace the need for analysts?

This news is a bit old but I figured it’s juicy enough to talk about its future implications on Excel and artificial intelligence in general. Mid-March 2023, Microsoft announced Copilot, it’s artificial intelligence bet that will supposedly change the way we work. The video discusses how Copilot integrates with Office 365 and all your Microsoft […]