Tag Archives: data analytics


Dear Analyst #85: Preksha Kaparwan talks about her journey as a chef To CMO of a data analytics company

You might think not having a data background means it’ll be tougher for you to get a career in data. For Preksha Kaparwan, co-founder and CMO at Alphaa AI, the journey into data was anything but traditional. In this episode, Preksha talks about starting her career in the hospitality industry, falling in love with data […]

Dear Analyst #73: From a career in the U.S. Navy to data analytics YouTuber with Luke Barousse

The path to a career in data analytics can be full of twists and turns. Along the way, you pick up tools like Excel, Python, Tableau, and R. What about learning how to use YouTube and growing an audience of 50,000+ from publishing videos about data analytics? I’m always fascinated by people who are able […]

What it’s like teaching a week-long online data analytics course

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to teach a week-long data analytics course through General Assembly. The course was taught entirely online using Zoom. I discuss some of the topics the students learned in the class, and what the experience was like teaching an online class in real time. The topics we covered […]