Tag Archives: data cleaning

Dear Analyst #83: Cleaning up and doing an exploratory data analysis of all Friends episodes raw data in Excel

I was playing around with a dataset on TikTok recently to show a PivotTable trick. The raw data is a list of all Friends episodes that have aired starting in 1994. I noticed that the raw data requires some cleanup so decided to take the dataset and to some cleaning operations and also try out […]

Dear Analyst #75: How to extract first, last, and multiple middle names into 3 separate columns

In episode 52, I talked about how to extract text from a cell. You might use this formula to extract a certain value from a cell when your database or CSV export contains a bunch of miscellaneous prefix data. This formula relies on finding a certain character in the cell and then using the MID […]

Dear Analyst #37: Text manipulation functions to extract domain names from email addresses

In Excel or Google Sheets, text manipulation is usually associated with data cleaning, data cleansing, and data transformation. Sometimes your data is “dirty” and needs to be categorized in a different way or you need to “extract” a piece of text from a another piece of text. In this example, we use a combination of […]