Tag Archives: data pipeline

Dear Analyst 129

Dear Analyst #129: How to scale self-serve analytics tools to thousands of users at Datadog with Jean-Mathieu Saponaro

When you’re organization is small, a centralized data team can take care of all the internal data tooling, reporting, and requests for all departments. As the team grows from 100 to thousands of people, a centralized data team simply cannot handle the number of requests and doesn’t have the domain knowledge of all the departments. […]

Dear Analyst #64: Architecting revenue data pipelines and switching to a career in analytics with Lauren Adabie of Netlify

Transforming Netlify’s data pipeline one SQL statement at a time. Lauren Adabie started her career analyzing data and answering questions about the data at Zynga. As a data analyst at Netlify, she’s doing more than just exploratory analysis. She’s also helping build out Netlify’s revenue data pipeline; something she’s never done before. We discuss how […]

Dear Analyst #54: 5 lessons learned in 2020 and 5 skills for data analysts to learn in 2021

With the last episode for 2020, I wanted to take a look back and pull out some of the main themes and topics from the podcast. As people rushed to pick up new data skills to adapt to our changing environment this year, I think the precedent has been set for how one can learn […]

Dear Analyst #38: Breaking down an Excel error that led to a $6.2B loss at JPMorgan Chase

You blink a few times at the screen and realize what you’re seeing is not a typo. $6.2B has left your bank due to some rogue trader making untimely bets on the market. That’s B as in billion. You call up the modeler who was supposed to make sure this never happens to your bank. […]