Tag Archives: data transformation

Dear Analyst #86: One Important Excel Feature to Know to Do Your Best Data Analysis

Nothing like a click-baity headline to get your spreadsheet emotion all riled up amirite? Earlier in my data analysis career, I thought knowing advanced Excel formulas and writing macros made you a good analyst. If you’ve been following this podcast/newsletter, you’ve probably discovered that there is no one magic Excel feature that automatically makes you […]

Dear Analyst #63: Cleaning Bitcoin Tweet data with OpenRefine, a free and open source alternative to Power Query

Numerous studies claim that data scientists spend too much time cleaning and preparing data (although this article claims it is a bullshit measure). I agree with some points in that article in that you should get your hands dirty with cleaning data to understand what eventually goes into the analysis. You may already be cleaning […]

Dear Analyst #53: Making your Google Sheets do more for you with Google Apps Script and how to become more data-driven

When I worked in FP&A, I discovered that VBA could automate a lot of tedious tasks I was doing in Excel. From creating charts to formatting data, I realized that there possibilities with VBA were endless. As I started using Google Sheets more, I found that Google Apps Script offers similar functionality to extend what […]