Tag Archives: mr. excel

Dear Analyst Episode 25: Structuring data challenge (denormalize data) with Get and Transform

This episode is based on a video and Tweet posted by Mr. Excel (Bill Jelen). Bill discusses an Excel challenge someone emailed him about regarding how to “transform” a badly structured table of data into a structure that makes it easy to do PivotTables and other downstream analysis. Interestingly, I received a ticket from a […]

Dear Analyst Episode 22: Calculate win streaks for a pool of players in Google Sheets

If you are by your computer, you may want to open this Google Sheet to understand the example discussed in this episode. I walk through a rather long formula involving the FREQUENCY(), COLUMN(), MAX(), and the ARRAYFORMULA() functions in Google Sheets. Here’s the full formula below to calculate win streaks in the Google Sheet:=ARRAYFORMULA(MAX(FREQUENCY(IF(B2:P2=”W”,COLUMN(B2:P2)),IF(B2:P2=”L”,COLUMN(B2:P2)))))You can […]