Tag Archives: open source

building online version of excel with matt basta

Dear Analyst #122: Designing an online version of Excel to help Uber China compete with DiDi on driver incentives with Matt Basta

There are only so many ways to make Excel “fun.” If you’ve been following this blog/podcast, stories about the financial modeling competition and spreadsheet errors that lead to catastrophic financial loss are stories that make a 1980s tool somewhat interesting to read and listen to. There are numerous tutorials and TikTok influencers who teach Excel […]

Dear Analyst #86: One Important Excel Feature to Know to Do Your Best Data Analysis

Nothing like a click-baity headline to get your spreadsheet emotion all riled up amirite? Earlier in my data analysis career, I thought knowing advanced Excel formulas and writing macros made you a good analyst. If you’ve been following this podcast/newsletter, you’ve probably discovered that there is no one magic Excel feature that automatically makes you […]

Excerpts from Range by David Epstein and financial modeling

Range: Why Generalists Triumph In A Specialized World by David Epstein came on my radar after listening to another podcast. Thought the premise was interesting in that people who “dabble” in various interests and hobbies end up excelling (no pun intended) in life and have a more rewarding career. I read a few excerpts that […]