Tag Archives: pivottable


Dear Analyst #103: How to use one of the best features in PivotTables to filter your data (Slicers)

I used to create a monthly 30-slide report and each slide had a different table or chart that I copied and pasted from Excel. As a naive analyst, I literally filtered my list of data using regular dropdown filters on each column to get the numbers I needed. I would filter, sum or average the […]

Dear Analyst #86: One Important Excel Feature to Know to Do Your Best Data Analysis

Nothing like a click-baity headline to get your spreadsheet emotion all riled up amirite? Earlier in my data analysis career, I thought knowing advanced Excel formulas and writing macros made you a good analyst. If you’ve been following this podcast/newsletter, you’ve probably discovered that there is no one magic Excel feature that automatically makes you […]

Dear Analyst #70: New advanced PivotTable class and a PivotTable calculated field trick for percentages

I’ve been planning a few advanced Excel classes with Skillshare and excited to launch my first one today called Advanced PivotTable Techniques for Analyzing and Presenting Data Faster. I use PivotTables on and off depending on the task at hand. In preparation for this class, I had the opportunity to research and learn some advanced […]

Dear Analyst #45: Thinking long-term for structuring your dataset using U.S. public food assistance data

When you need to capture some data in a structured way, you’ll open up an Excel file or Google Sheet and just start throwing data into the spreadsheet. Not much thinking; just copy and paste. As that dataset grows, the original structure you had set up for that spreadsheet may not be ideal. Specifically, the […]