Tag Archives: spotify


Dear Analyst #98: How a career in graphic design helps you with data storytelling and visualizations with Wacarra Yeomans

When you’re working in a marketing or advertising agency, you’ll work with clients across various industries. The data you analyze will also vary client to client, giving you exposure to various datasets and the business logic that drives these datasets. Wacarra Yeomans started her career as a graphic designer in the agency world. She always […]

Dear Analyst #55: Using Google Translate to quickly translate text with Le Grand Débat National data

This is a super simple formula in Google Sheets, and I don’t want to understate its utility. You can literally translate text from any language into another language. This formula came out on Google Sheets in early 2019 I believe. You basically don’t have to copy and paste into Google Translate anymore to get the […]