Tag Archives: tableau

Dear Analyst 125

Dear Analyst #126: How to data storytelling and create amazing data visualizations with Amanda Makulec

With an undergraduate degree in zoology and a master’s in public health, you wouldn’t expect Amanda Makulec to lead a successful career in data analytics and data visualization. As we’ve seen with multiple guests on the podcast, the path to a career in data analytics is windy and unexpected. It was the intersection of public […]

Dear Analyst 124

Dear Analyst #124: Navigating people, politics and analytics solutions at large companies with Alex Kolokolov

We sometimes forget that a large organization is composed of groups and divisions. Within these groups, there are teams and individuals looking to advance their careers. Sometimes at the expense of others. When your advancement depends on the success of your project, the benefits of that project to your company may be suspect and the […]

Dear Analyst #65: Eliminating biases in sports data and doing a data science bootcamp with Caiti Donovan

When you think of sports and data, you may think about all the data collect on player performance and game stats. There’s another world of sports data that is usually overlooked: the fans. In this episode, I speak with Caiti Donovan, the VP of Data & Insights at Sports Innovation Lab, a sports market research firm. […]

Dear Analyst #62: Using data storytelling to close billions of dollars worth of deals at LinkedIn with Janie Ho

This episode is all about data storytelling at a “traditional” enterprise company like LinkedIn and also at a major news publication. Janie Ho is a former global account analyst at LinkedIn in NYC where she facilitated data-driven presentations to close revenue deals for LinkedIn’s top global strategic accounts. Currently, she is a senior editor in […]

What it’s like teaching a week-long online data analytics course

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to teach a week-long data analytics course through General Assembly. The course was taught entirely online using Zoom. I discuss some of the topics the students learned in the class, and what the experience was like teaching an online class in real time. The topics we covered […]